Chapter 19
update icon Updated at 2023/7/10 18:10:12

"Fia, what happened?" Fia, crying, clung to Zhiye's thigh. Zhiye, dressed in a cherry blossom-colored kimono, looked at Fia with confusion.

"Big sister Zhiye, there's a big bad wolf!" Fia said, pointing in my direction but not daring to look at me.

"A big bad wolf? Where...?"

Zhiye looked in the direction Fia was pointing but said with surprise, "That's just brother Jerry, was he pretending to be a big bad wolf to scare Fia?"

Fia said in a frightened tone.

"Jerry?" Zhiye looked at me, but with a poker face, I couldn't guess what she was thinking. I just shrugged helplessly.

"Big sister Zhiye, didn't our mother say before she left that if Jerry acts wilfully, the house rules can be enforced?"

House rules? The kind that could take a life? It's mom's ultimate weapon. I was shaking all over from fear.

"Has Jerry really been that bad?" Zhiye was not entirely convinced.

"Big sister Zhiye, Jerry always bullies and teases Fia, he won't let Fia do what she likes, he's so stubborn. So... please help Fia get ahold of the remote, because...Fia's favorite show is about to start."

Am I really that bad?

"Since Jerry has been so naughty, maybe it's time for a small punishment," Zhiye slowly walked towards me. Seeing her getting closer and closer, my heart started pounding. Fia started to grin as she finally had some backup.

As Zhiye stood in front of me, I could feel sweat beads forming on my forehead. Was it coming? The legendary ultimate technique?

I imagined all the possible horrific scenarios of getting hit by the cross-lock and I couldn't help but close my eyes.

With a slightly comical 'hey', something gently hit my forehead.

I opened my eyes to find it was just a slap from Zhiye.

"I'm sorry, Jerry, did it hurt you? After hearing Fia's plea, I felt a small punishment for Jerry was warranted."

Zhiye seemed a bit guilty. I was stunned, the actual event far from my fearful imaginings.

"Fia won't hold a grudge... As long as Jerry starts treating Fia well, she'll listen to Jerry too..."

Fia didn't seem to mind Zhiye's light punishment but gave me a childish grin.

"Fia really is still a child," I couldn't help making a conclusion.

"What are you saying, Jerry! Fia has been trying so hard to learn how adults talk and behave, and she watches so many dramas, how could Jerry just conclude so casually..."

Fia was clearly upset.

"But you are a kid, size, voice, development status..."

"Humph, Fia is not talking to you anymore," Fia huffed, turning her attention to the TV. I was at a loss, and could only sigh in dismay.

"I'll go get some hot tea and snacks from the kitchen," said Zhiye, and she brought back a tray with a teapot, a plate of snacks, and two teacups.

She placed everything neatly on the coffee table, and elegantly poured the hot tea into the cups, with steam rising from the cups.

"Enjoy..." Zhiye said with a smile.

"This...?" I was a bit confused.

"Weren't you cold just now, Jerry? So I prepared some hot tea and snacks, hoping it can warm you up. Of course... if you want, I can warm you up myself, too."

"I'd rather not opt for that latter suggestion..." I picked up the cup in my hands, feeling the warmth seeping into my skin. As I took a small sip of the tea, the warmth spread to the rest of my body.

"It's so warm..." I couldn't help but say. I took a bite of a snack and a sip of the hot tea, it was heavenly. A sense of indescribable happiness filled me, as if all worries and pains were gone."It's so delicious..." Fia removed one glove, picked up a madeleine, and started eating uncontrollably.

"Fia, you're eating in such an unseemly manner..." I couldn't help but chide.

"But...I can't help myself, it's too delicious." Fia replied.

It's certainly tasty, but is she exaggerating?

"'ve got crumbs on your lip." Zhiye pointed out, carefully wiping the crumbs off with her finger.

"Oh...thank you," I said.

After saying that, to my surprise, Zhiye put her finger in her mouth. She quickly took it out, leaving a thread of saliva. Seeing that, I swallowed hard, my face turning red, "You shouldn't have eaten it..."

"What do you mean?" Zhiye looked at me innocently.

"Nevermind." I mumbled, taking a sip of my hot tea to cover my embarrassment.

"It's hot!" I scalded my tongue.

"Are you okay, Jerry?" Zhiye quickly expressed concern.

"I'm... I'm fine," I quickly responded, my gaze immediately shifting to the cup of tea in my hand. My cheeks were still hot. How could I have let my guard down and enjoyed such a moment? I started to feel guilty for my lapse in judgment.


"Ah... It tastes so good. The madeleines are great too. You've been a big help, Zhiye. I really don't feel cold anymore."

"I'm glad I could help, Jerry." A smile appeared on Zhiye's face.

"It's getting late. I think I'll go to bed now." I stood up and took a step towards the bedroom. Zhiye, as always, followed me into the room. I laid down on my bed, which had fresh sheets—most likely Zhiye's doing. It was so warm that I didn't want to leave.

"Zhiye, you really shouldn't..." I tried to dissuade her from making such needless efforts.

"It's a wife's role. Don't worry, Jerry."

Zhiye would always say something like this, and I didn't have any counter-argument.

I didn't have a choice, so went ahead and tried to sleep. I turned away from Zhiye's side.

Sleep eventually overcame me. I'm not sure if it's just my imagination or part of my dreams, but I always seem to see Zhiye gazing at me intensely, her touch caressing my face, and whispering, "Jerry... I want to possess you entirely."