On the 20th of December, the weather was gloomy and the temperature was only one degree. Without the shelter of the sun, it was indeed freezing cold. My mother would be coming home at ten o'clock, and I planned to go a bit earlier. It was eight o'clock in the morning at this time, and Su Yuqian was accompanying me. She was wearing a white long coat, wrapped in a white knitted scarf, patterned knitted gloves, and earmuffs. In short, she took every measure to protect against the cold. As for me, besides the warm clothes, my neck, hands, and ears were all stinging from the chilly wind. I really despised the feeling of coldness and longed for the warm and comfortable spring and summer seasons.
"Achoo!" I didn't expect to catch a cold so quickly.
"Your immune system is really weak..."
I couldn't help but silently complain in my heart about your fully armed protection.
"Seeing you in this pitiful state... I'll allow you to share my gloves... scarf... but definitely not the earmuffs..."
Su Yuqian touched the earmuffs, immediately ruling them out. She gave me one of her knitted gloves. As for the scarf, it was really long, with enough leftovers even if two people wore it.
"But I still don't feel any warmth in one of my hands,"
I stretched out my reddened hand, which had been tortured by the cold wind. It felt like it was going to stiffen.
"It's fine like this... foolish!" Su Yuqian suddenly held my hand, and a warm feeling instantly transferred between our hands.
"..." My face also turned slightly red.
"Don't... don't misunderstand, I just don't want both of us to freeze our hands. It's not worth it,"
If that's the case, why did my face turn red when she said that? But I didn't want to ask anymore. Isn't it the greatest pleasure to see a girl's shy and cute face?
"Ah..." the next second, I let out a scream.
"Stupid Jerry... your eyes filled with lust are almost popping out,"
Su Yuqian accurately poked my eyes with her index and middle fingers, while wearing the gloves. For a moment, my vision blurred and felt a bit itchy...
"I... I seem to be blind..." I said confusedly.
"It's not... that serious... I didn't use much force," Su Yuqian also felt a bit panicked.
"But everything in front of me is blurry..."
"That's just a negative effect from the poke, like being exposed to bright light. Close your eyes, and soon you will get used to the darkness..."
Isn't that complete blindness? In a state of confusion, I closed my eyes. Then I suddenly realized, "I don't want to become blind."
"I really can't do anything with you... crouch down a bit,"
"Oh..." I heard her command and half crouched.
"Don't move around..." maintaining this posture was really tiring, but I tried my best not to move. Just when I was wondering what Su Yuqian was going to do, she suddenly lightly rubbed my eyes with warm and silky hands, like a certain part of eye exercises.
"Do you feel better now?" Su Yuqian asked softly while rubbing.
"Um... it's very comfortable..." I couldn't help but immerse myself in this feeling.
"I suddenly want you to really become blind," Su Yuqian's words made my heart skip a beat. Just when I was afraid it would actually happen,
"Try opening your eyes... Did you really think of yourself as a blind person?"
But I heard Su Yuqian urging me. In any case, it was fortunate that I didn't become blind. I slowly opened my eyes, and the surroundings became unusually clear again.
"Can you see clearly now?"
"It's alright..."
"Let's go quickly, it's almost nine o'clock if we keep dawdling," Su Yuqian put on the other glove and continued holding my hand. The two of us walked on the street, and those actions just now were also seen by passersby, inadvertently making us shy and unable to face others. Our faces were both red, just like a pair of foolish lovers.
At 8:40, Su Yuqian and I arrived on the floor where my house was located, and I became restless in my heart. On one hand, I was very worried about Fiona's current situation, and on the other hand, I didn't know what Zhinie was like now and how I should express myself to her after her extreme actions. I still remembered them clearly.
"Why are we not moving?"
"Ah... I just thought of something. My house is the third one on this floor,"I arrived at my home after being away for three or four days. Standing at the doorstep, I noticed the door was slightly ajar, and the inside was pitch black. My heart raced as I held my breath and pushed open the door. A strong smell of blood wafted out from inside.
Covering my nose, I cautiously walked in. Turning on the lights in the living room, I found the chopping board in the kitchen covered in blood. The house was stuffy and the stench of blood made me feel dizzy.
"Yuqian... this..." Even Su Yuqian was horrified when she saw it. Naturally, I was also afraid and dared not breathe.
But I mustered up courage and continued walking inside. The bedroom doors were all tightly shut, except for mine, which was open.
"Jerry... Jerry... Where did you go? I can't find you. Why didn't the blood sacrifice work... Why does it have to be like this?"
Faint whispers emanated from the room.
"Yuqian, maybe we should..."
"Are you scared?"
"Not at all... How could I be scared? Only a stupid Jerry like you would be scared..."
"Then why are you hiding behind me?"
"I'm not... I'm not..."
Seeing even Su Yuqian scared like this, I couldn't help but be frightened too. I wanted to give up, but I had already come this far and couldn't retreat. So, I gripped the doorknob and slowly opened the door.
I saw Zhiye's pale face, her fingers wrapped in bandages, her wrists... Her hair was disheveled... She was still wearing that kimono, and in her hand, she held a fruit knife stained with dried blood.